Announcing Our Christmas Shop + CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!
If you follow along on Instagram you’ll know that there’s a few exciting things coming up this holiday season here at Green Country Creative! I’ve been working hard on some new artwork and products for Christmas that I’ll be launching in early November. I also have a Christmas Giveaway with a couple of my products (scroll to the bottom to enter)! Some of these products include:
- Calligraphy prints: In both 8×10 and 5×7 (new!) sizes, I will have a variety of Christmas and non-seasonal Bible quotes, several of which are brand new and have never been seen before!
- Advent calendars: A 25-day Advent calendar with daily scripture readings, hymns, and artwork for each day, as well as information on the tradition and history of Advent. Additionally, there will be an optional audio add-on with an acapella rendition of each hymn to listen to or sing along with! I envision this adding to your Christmas decor as a piece that you can pull out year after year to use as a devotional leading up to Christmas Day! These will make great Christmas gifts as well!
- Ornaments: These will be clear glass ornaments filled with mistletoe, with golden quotes written on the outside. Some of these will be ready-to-go with prewritten quotes, and you’ll also because to request custom personalization such as the year, names, or a short message.

There are TWO opportunities to shop coming November:
- the Holiday Craft Fair at the Bowery on November 8
- my Christmas Pop-Up Shop from November 9-15
What’s the difference? I’ll be selling the same things at both (with maybe a couple surprises during the pop-up shop), but the fair is in person only on November 8, while my pop-up shop is online and will only be open from November 9 through 15! The other difference is that my online-pop-up shop will function on a preorder basis.
I’ve chosen to set up my pop-up shop on a preorder basis because:
- I’m still pretty new as a shop, and I don’t know what the demand will be.
- It allows me to have funding ahead of time so that I’m not out-of-pocket.
- I won’t have the risk of buying either too much or too little inventory and either running out or not being able to sell enough!
It will also guarantee that I will NOT run out of stock during the pop-up shop, as I’ll order/make the quantity that people preorder during the week of November 9-15.
Depending on how certain items do during this week, I may order a few extras and sell them in the weeks leading up to Christmas, but the only way I know that people want them is if they buy during the online pop-up shop week. That’s when stock will be guaranteed, AND you’ll get it at a special price (I’ll be selling any extra items at full price after November 15)!
In summary, here’s what’s happening:
Sunday, November 8, 10 AM to 2 PM
Bowery Barn
N2201 County Road P
Rubicon, WI 53078
Stop by my booth between 10 AM and 2 PM, where I’ll be selling my Advent calendars, calligraphy prints, and ornaments! I’ll also be customizing ornaments on the spot with a special message, names, or a date of your choice!
Check out their Facebook event for more information!
Online Christmas Pop-Up Shop
November 9 – 15
Green Country Creative Etsy Shop
My Christmas Pop-Up Shop will be open from Monday, November 9 through Sunday, November 15. Stock is guaranteed during this week as everything is on a preorder basis. Advent calendars will ship by November 18 (ensuring delivery before Advent begins, if you are planning to use them this year), and everything else will ship by November 20. Depending on how certain items do during this week, I may order extra to sell on Etsy, but stock will be limited and the price will go up!

Christmas Giveaway!
Have you heard about my Christmas Giveaway? I’m giving away a free Advent calendar PLUS a 5×7 print of your choice ($63 value)! Sign up for my newsletter below to enter the giveaway! The winner will be announced on November 9!